Dnes cestujem do Bratislavy už sa nemôžem dočkať úžasnej 9 hodinovej cesty s troma prestupmi. S dopravou na Slovensku je to vážne, ale vážne zle. Po väčšine si pozerám nejaké filmy, ale kedže náš internet doma viac nejde ako ide, nemám žiadny záživný v počítači. Tak mi držte palce nech to v zdraví prežijem :)
I travel to Bratislava today already can not wait for an amazing 9 hour trip with three penetrations. The transport in Slovakia is a serious, but seriously wrong. I watch mostly some movies, but since our internet at home more than it does not, I have no gripping your computer. So let me cross your fingers that the health survive :)
I travel to Bratislava today already can not wait for an amazing 9 hour trip with three penetrations. The transport in Slovakia is a serious, but seriously wrong. I watch mostly some movies, but since our internet at home more than it does not, I have no gripping your computer. So let me cross your fingers that the health survive :)
týjoo... ten strop na druhé fotce je kouzelný :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťOh amazing!
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